faq for teacher - Tutors Parliament
  • Is tutor registration free?
    Yes, the online teacher registration is absolutely free of cost.
  • How are tutors assigned to students?
    Tutors are matched with students based on their expertise, availability, and the student's specific learning needs. Whether it's home tutoring, online sessions, or tutoring at the tutor's place, we strive to create compatible tutor-student pairs to maximize learning outcomes.
  • Can tutors choose between home tutoring, online tutoring, or tutoring at their place?
    Yes, tutors have the flexibility to choose between home tutoring, online tutoring, or offering tutoring sessions at their place based on their preferences and availability.
  • How does Tutors Parliament handle disputes or conflicts between tutors and students/parents?
    Tutors Parliament aims to maintain positive relationships between tutors, students, and parents. In the event of a dispute or conflict, we facilitate open communication and strive to find mutually agreeable solutions that prioritize the best interests of all parties involved.
  • Can tutors set their own rates for tutoring services at Tutors Parliament?
    Tutors Parliament has standardized rates for tutoring services; however, tutors may have the opportunity to negotiate rates based on factors such as experience, qualifications, and demand for their services.
  • Are tutors required to undergo background checks before joining Tutors Parliament?
    Yes, the safety and security of our students are paramount. Tutors at Tutors Parliament undergo thorough background checks as part of the hiring process to ensure they meet our standards of trustworthiness and professionalism.
  • Is it mandatory to upload documents for verification?
    Yes, it is mandatory to upload documents for membership verification. This is done to ensure that all the information you have provided has been successfully verified by us.
  • What are the benefits of 100% complete profile?
    At Tutors Parliament, we always motivate our tutors to complete maximum sections of their profile and make it 100% complete. Tutors with complete profiles have a greater chance to get demo class and hired by parents for tuition jobs.
  • When and how I get paid for tuition?
    You will be paid after the monthly tuition sessions. We will collect the first month's tuition fees in advance from parents and will give it to you after completion of your first month's tuition (for the initial month only).
  • What if I am not selected in the trial/demo class?
    Don’t be disappointed if you are not selected in the demo class. There are lots of opportunities are waiting for you. You can visit the latest tuition jobs page and apply here. But you should prepare yourself for the next demo class.
  • What are the payment methods?
    We make payment through online transfer.
  • What should I write in About Me section of my profile?
    The About Me section in your profile is a perfect place to summarize about yourself as a tutor, your tutoring experience, skills and subject expertise in a clear, concise, and confident way.
  • Where do I conduct the classes?
    All the classes are conducted at student’s home.
  • What makes a good home tutor?
    Qualities that make a good home tutor:
    Good communication skills: A good home tutor should communicate effectively with the student, understand their needs and concerns, and understandably convey information.
    Patience: A good home tutor should be patient and able to explain concepts and ideas multiple times if necessary.
    Passion for teaching: A good home tutor should have a passion for teaching and a desire to see their students succeed.
    Expertise in their subject: A good home tutor should have a strong knowledge of the subject they are teaching and be able to answer any questions the student may have.
    Creativity: A good home tutor should be creative in their approach to teaching, finding different ways to explain concepts and make learning fun.
    Flexibility: A good home tutor should be flexible and willing to adapt their teaching style to the student's needs and learning style.
    Accountability: A good home tutor should be accountable for their student's progress, setting goals and tracking progress to ensure the student is progressing.